Full Name: Helen Murphy
Birthday: 2348
Birthplace: San Francisco, California on Earth
Robert Murphy (2320)
     Mother: Ret. Admiral Susan Brown-Murphy (2318)
: Lieutenant Donald Murphy (2353)
     Brother: Cadet Jason Murphy (2353)
Species: Human
Marital Status: Single
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2368-2372
Current Rank: Lieutenant
Current Assignment: Conn Officer, U.S.S. Texas

2318- Susan Brown (mother) is born
2320- Robert Murphy (father) is born
2345- Robert Murphy (father) married Susan Brown (mother)
2348- Born in San Francisco, California (Earth)
2353- Donald Murphy (brother) is born
2353- Jason Murphy (brother) is born
2368- entered Starfleet Academy
2372- graduated Starfleet Academy
2373- assigned to U.S.S. Texas as Flight Control officer
2376- promoted to Lieutenant