Dominion Spies

By: Richard D. Phillips


Captain’s Log Stardate: 52236.3


     After being briefed about sabotages on the Texas, I must believe there is a traitor on board.


     Lieutenant Dayan walked into Captain Leno’s ready room.

     “I’ve finished that report you wanted,” stated Dayan.

     “I want more security crew assigned to the warp core, Main Bridge, Battle Bridge, and the computer cores.”

     “I will get right on it.”

     Lieutenant Dayan posted more security around the ship.

     “Security is up 20% around the ship,” reported Dayan.

     “Nothing else has happened in the last few hours, stated Commander Brooks.

     “We have to find the person before something big happens,” stated Leno.

     “Captain to the bridge.”

     Captain Leno walked out of his ready room onto the Main Bridge.

     “Status report.”

     “Someone has gained control of the main computer,” answered Lieutenant Commander Jones.

     “Reroute all functions to the other core.”

      “No effect.”

     “Get a security team down there.”

     “We have lost all systems except environment,” reported Ensign Wilson.

     “There is no one in here,” stated Dayan.

     “Seal that deck and begin checking everyone’s blood.  We may have a Founder on board.  As each person is checked, put them into the main Shuttlebay.”

     “It will take six hours to set up and check everyone,” stated Doctor Adams, stepping out of the turbolift.  I figured you would want everybody checked.”

     “I want trusted security personnel checked first.”

     Doctor Adams went to set up for the blood screenings.

     “I’ve checked 10% of the crew,” stated Adams.

     “I want a report of anybody acting strange in the last few weeks,” ordered Leno.

     “I will gather a list from the logs,” stated Brooks.

     “I want the whole crew questioned.”

* * *

     “I’ve checked everyone but two officers.  I have not been able to get in contact with them,” stated Adams.

     “Captain, we have gone to warp,” reported Jones.

     “Captain, to Deck 9 Section 21,” stated Brooks, over the ship’s communication system.

     Captain Leno rushed to Deck 9.

     “What have you found?” asked Leno.

     Commander Brooks opened a door to reveal an unconscious crew member.

     “How did he get here?” asked Leno.

     “We believe he has been here three to four days,” answered Dayan.

     “Get him to Sickbay.”

     “He has not been checked to see if he is a Founder,” stated Brooks.

     “Begin scanning the ship for the Founder.  Kill it if you have to.”


Captain’s Log Stardate: 52242.7


     After hours of searching, we have not been able to locate the Founder.  Lieutenant Barnes is recovering in Sickbay.


     “We have located it on Deck 8,” reported Jones.

     “Seal off the deck.”

     “Security has been sent.”

     “Captain, there is no sign of it,” reported Dayan.

     “Continue searching.”

     “Captain, Lieutenant Ted Allen is dead.”

     “I’ve located it on Deck 11,” reported Brooks.

     “Do you have it?”

     “It has been stunned.”

     “Get a security field around it.”

     “Too late.  It’s dead.”

     “I want to know how it got aboard and if there is more on the ship.”

Chapter 2


Captain’s Log Stardate: 52247.6


     The Founder has killed Lieutenant Allen.  Commander Brooks killed the Founder.  We are now figuring out how it got on the ship.


     “Captain, the main computer is off-line.  Sensors have located a virus in the system,” reported Jones.

     “We have lost control of all systems,” reported Wilson.

     “Four Jem’Hadar ships have been located on the backup sensors.”

     “We are sitting ducks,” stated Brooks.

     “Take us away at full impulse and send a distress signal,” ordered Brooks.

     “We have minor warp speed available,” stated Murphy.

     “We also have some weapons on-line,” reported Jones.

     “Fire everything we have.”

     “Minor damage to the lead ship.”

     “We have to get out of here.  We can’t take on one of those ships,” stated Brooks.

     “Maximum warp out of here.”

     “We can’t out run them.  They will overtake us in less than 30 seconds,” stated Murphy.

     “Prepare for full stop and reverse engines.”

     “The Structural Integrity Field is failing.”

     “Full stop and reverse the engines.”

     “You’re only postponing your fate,” stated another Founder.

     “Intruder alert.  Security report to all decks,” ordered Leno.

     “She has disappeared,” stated Jones.

     “We need to protect the computer cores,” stated Brooks.

     “Jason, you take the engineering computer core.  Jake and Larry, secondary primary core.  Mike, you’re with me.”

     The five crewmembers headed for the computer cores located on different decks.

     “Computer, open all computer room doors.  Authorization Leno-delta-12.”

     The three different sets of doors opened.  The crewmembers walked into the rooms.

     “Keep tricorders at minimal power.”

     “The computer cores are interfering with the tricorders,” stated Brooks.

     “Forget them.  They are only good for a meter or two.”

     “Extra security has been sent to all areas throughout the ship,” reported Dayan.

     “There is no sign of it,” stated Brooks.

     “Continue to look.  It has to be around here somewhere.”

     “Captain, a shuttle has just left the ship,” stated Murphy.

     “Lock onto it with a tractor beam.”

     “We will have to go to warp to tractor it.”

     “Where are the Dominion ships?”

     “Continuing to move away from us.”

     “Match course and speed.  We’ll be returning in a moment.”

     “Sensors do report that the Founder is on the shuttle,” stated Jones.

Captain’s Log Stardate: 52251.9


     We have lost the other Founder.  It stole a shuttle.  We have located the shuttle.  We will catch up to it in a few hours.  We have finished minor repairs to the ship.”


     “We have located the shuttle.  Its position is 1 million kilometers from our own position,” stated Murphy.

     “Set a course for it, maximum warp.”

     “We will arrive in three minutes.”

     “Red alert.  All hands to battlestations.”

Chapter 3


     “Arriving to the shuttle,” stated Jones

     “Begin scanning the shuttle.”

     “The Founder is not aboard.”

     “Bring the shuttle aboard and begin scanning for Dominion ships in the area.”

     “Engineering reports the virus has been removed from the core,” stated Wilson.

     “One ship is located a little over five hours away,” reported Jones.


Captain’s Log Stardate: 52259.4


     We have located the shuttle, however, the Founder beamed aboard an awaiting Dominion ship.  We will arrive to the ship in 20 minutes.  The virus in the computer core has been safely removed.


     “We are arriving to the ship,” reported Jones.

     “Red alert,” ordered Leno.

     “Additional Jem’Hadar ships are in the area.”

     “We don’t have enough power to against that amount of Jem’Hadar ships,” reported Wilson.

     “Reroute all available power to shielding and weapons.”

     “The ships will arrive in 2 minutes and 11 seconds,” reported Murphy.

     “Take us in one-quarter impulse.”

     “Shields at 86%,” reported Jones.

     “Minor damage to the ship.  We’ve lost life support on three decks,” reported Murphy.

     “We can’t handle too much more of this punishment,” stated Brooks.

     “Back us away, Warp 1.  Don’t lost these ships,” ordered Leno.

     “Damage to Main Engineering, shields holdings,” reported Jones.

     “Get us out of here, maximum warp.”

     “The ships are following,” reported Murphy.

     “Fire aft torpedoes at them.”

     “Minor damage to the lead ship, however, we have dropped to Warp 7,” reported Jones.

     “Continue to fire aft torpedoes.”

     “The Lexington is nearby.  They will arrive in less than two minutes,” reported Wilson.

     “We have to hold them off until then,” stated Brooks.

     The Lexington helped to hold off the Jem’Hadar ships, however, the two ships were unable to capture the Founder, but the ship it was on was destroyed by the Texas.

     “We believe the Founder was killed in the explosion, however, we have no evidence of it.  There is a chance it escaped from us,” reported Brooks.

     “We have finished repairs to the ship,” reported Wilson.

     “The Allens have arrived for the funeral service,” stated Dayan.

     “Show them to the lounge,” ordered Leno.

     “The funeral service for Ted is in a few minutes,” stated Brooks.

     “I’m ready.”

     The crew gathered in the lounge.  Captain Leno spoke about Lieutenant Allen.

     “Lieutenant Allen died for what he believed in.  He was taken way before his time.  His spirit and memories will forever live in all of us.”

     “Thank you, captain,” stated Mr. Fred Allen.

     “I’m sorry for your loss,” stated Brooks.

     “I want to thank you for taking good care of him,” stated Suzy Allen.

     “He was a fine member of the crew,” stated Leno.


Captain’s Log Stardate: 52264.8


     Mr. and Mrs. Allen have taken their son’s body with them back to Earth.  He will be a missed