Mission to Ambaya

By: Richard D. Phillips


Chapter 1


Captain's Log Stardate: 51291.1


     We are to report to Ambaya 4 to stop the Ambaya citizens from attacking the Federation citizens living on the planet.


     Captain Leno stepped out of his ready room to the Main Bridge.

     "Ensign Murphy, take us to Ambaya 4, Warp 8," ordered Leno.

     "We will arrive in 23 hours," reported Murphy.

     Captain Leno left the Main Bridge to go to his quarters to eat dinner and go to bed.  He found Kamara had replicated dinner for the two of them.

     "Thank you," stated Leno.

     They sat down at the table and ate dinner. 

     "I have to get going," stated Kamara.

     "I have to get back to the Main Bridge in six hours," stated Leno.

     "I'll see you tomorrow."

     "Good night."

     Kamara went back to her quarters.


Captain's Log Stardate: 51299.9


     We have arrived to Ambaya 4.  We are waiting for further orders from Starfleet.


     "Captain, there is an incoming message from Starfleet," stated Jones.

     "Send it into my ready room," ordered Leno.

     Captain Leno turned his desktop computer.

     "What can I do for you, Admiral Brinks?" asked Leno.

     "I have more orders from Starfleet Command," answered Brinks.

     "What are they?"

     "You are to go down to the surface and protect the Federation citizens at all costs."

     "Are we to negotiate with the Ambaya citizens?"

     "Not at the moment.  Just protect the Federation citizens.  Good luck, Alex."

     "Thank you."

     Captain Leno's desktop computer screen turned off.  He turned it off.  Captain Leno stepped onto the Main Bridge

     "Lieutenant Dayan, assemble a security team and report to Transporter Room 1," ordered Leno.

     Lieutenant Dayan assembled his best officers for the away team.

     "We are ready," stated Dayan.

     "I'll be down in a few hours," stated Leno.

     The away team beamed down to the planet.  They greeted by President Jacob.

     "Welcome to Ambaya 4," stated Jacob.

     "I'm Lieutenant Dayan, security chief of the Texas.  Captain Leno will be down in a few hours."

     "I've prepared a few maps of the surrounding area for you to look over," stated Jacob.

     Captain Leno got ready to beam down to the planet.

     "Is it safe to beam down?" asked Leno.

     "Yes," answered Lieutenant Larry Evans.

     "Energize," ordered Leno.

     Captain Leno found himself in the main building.

     "Welcome to Ambaya 4," stated President Jacob.

     "We need to talk," stated Leno.

     President Jacob took Captain Leno to his office.

     "Starfleet Command just informed me that the Texas is just going to offer protection at this time," stated Leno.

     "Is this problem going to be worked out?"

     "In the near future."

     "What is Starfleet waiting for?"

     "Admiral Brinks is coming here."

     "How long before he arrives?"

     "He should arrive in eight hours."

     "Not a moment too soon."

Chapter 2


     "Captain Leno, Admiral Brinks has arrived and will be beaming down within the hour," stated Brooks, over Leno's communicator.

     Captain Leno went to tell President Jacob.

     "We have a problem.  The Ambayians are getting ready to attack," stated Jacob.

     "I will have more officers sent from the Texas."

     "According to the latest report, they are 400 meters outside of the city."

     "Captain Leno, Commander Brooks needs to talk with you," stated Dayan.

     "I'll be beaming back to the ship in a few minutes.  I need more security officers sent down here."

     Captain Leno finished talking to President Jacob.  He beamed back to the ship.  Ten more security officers were sent to the planet.

     "What have you found?" asked Leno.

     "A star is going supernova and will hit Ambaya 4 in 21 hours."

     "We didn't need another problem with this planet."

     "We will have to have to evacuate the entire planet,"

     "After we can't get them to stop fighting."

     "What do you want done?"

     "Contact both sides and Admiral Brinks."

     Commander Brooks went to the Main Bridge.  He contacted both sides and Admiral Brinks.

     "Both sides have agreed to talk," reported Brooks.

     "Tell them they will be beamed to the Texas."

     "They have no problems with the plan."

     "Begin beaming the citizens off the planet."

     "It will take approximately 17 hours to beam everyone off the planet."

   The crews of the Texas, Nebula, and Mir began preparing their ships for incoming passengers from Ambaya 4.

     Captain Leno ordered a senior staff meeting to discuss the important issues dealing with Ambaya 4.

     "We have beamed 42% of the planet's population to the ships," stated Brooks.

     "The remaining population will be off in 10 hours," reported Jones.

     "The supernova will hit in 14 hours," reported Murphy.

     "That gives us plenty of time to get out of here," Lieutenant Commander Hall.

     "We are having no problems with the citizens," reported Dayan.

     Dismissed," stated Leno.

     "Captain, we are having a problem with the transporters," reported Lieutenant Lewis Baker.

     "How long before they are fixed?" asked Leno.

     "About thirty minutes."


Captain's Log Stardate: 51294.8


     We have just about finished beaming everyone off Ambaya 4.  We must now figure out where to place them.

      On the Main Bridge, Commander Brooks was overseeing the operations

of the ship.

     "Commander Brooks, we are beaming off the last 500 people off the planet," stated Ensign Wilson.

     Commander Brooks went to Captain Leno's ready room.

     "Alex, we are beaming the last few hundred people now," stated Brooks.

     "We need to find a planet to place them.  Use the sensors to find a planet," ordered Leno.

     Commander Brooks began looking for a planet.  He found a nearby planet in the same star system as Ambaya 4.  He went to tell Captain Leno.

     "I have found a planet," stated Brooks.

     "Which one is it?"

     "Ambaya 2."

     "Have you contacted the planet's government."

     "Yes, I talked to President Tahea.  They are waiting for us to deliver them."

     "We have to wait for the supernova to pass before we can beam them off."

     "We should be able to begin in 13 hours."

     "Inform the planet we will begin in 13 hours."

     Commander Brooks went to inform President Tahea.

     "We will begin beaming them to your planet in 13 hours," stated Brooks.

     "That will be acceptable.  We will be waiting for them."

     "Thank you."

     Commander Brooks went back to Captain Leno's ready room.

     "I have contacted President Tahea and everything is ready," stated Brooks.

     "Now we wait for the supernova,"

Chapter 3


     "We are far away enough from Ambaya 4," stated Murphy.

     "The supernova will hit in 27 minutes and 43 seconds," reported Brooks.

     "Take us closer to Ambaya 2," ordered Leno.

     "Captain, I would like to launch a probe to study the aftermath of the supernova," stated Wilson.

     "Go ahead."

     "Probe launched."

     "We will reach Ambaya 2 in 3 hours and 17 minutes," stated Murphy.

     "Start gathering the passengers," ordered Leno.


Captain's Log Stardate: 51299.9


     The supernova has destroyed Ambaya 4, leaving the planet uninhabitable.  We will begin beaming the passengers to Ambaya 2 soon.


     "Captain, we have reached Ambaya 2," reported Murphy.

     "Lieutenant Baker, begin beaming down the passengers," ordered Leno.

     "The Nebula and Mir have also began beaming their passengers down to Ambaya 2."

     Captain Leno went to Kamara's quarters.

     "How are you doing?" asked Kamara.

     "Fine.  We will have all the passengers on Ambaya 2 in 15 hours."

     "Kamara, you have an incoming message from Vatqu," stated Jones.

     "Send it in," answered Kamara.

     "It has to be your parents," stated Leno.

     "Hello Kamara and Alex," stated Mr. Harkins.

     "Hello, father," answered Kamara.

     "How are you doing?"

     "Fine.  Where is mom?"

     "She is out taking a walk.  Are you two still coming in a month?"

     "We are still planning on it," answered Leno.

     "I'm going to be there two weeks earlier than Alex.  He's going to visit his mother for a few days on Earth," stated Kamara.

     "I have to get going," stated Mr. Harkins.

     "I'll see you in a month."

     "I'll see you then."

     Kamara's computer screen darkened.  She turned it off.

     "I have to get going," stated Leno.

     "I'll see you later," stated Kamara.

     "Come over later for dinner."

     Captain Leno went to his quarters and prepared dinner.

     Kamara got dressed up to go to Captain Leno's quarters.  She left a short time later.

     "What did you make?" asked Kamara.

     "Pipius claw,"

     "I haven't had that in two months."

     "I made it just the way you like it."


 Captain's Log Stardate: 51307.7


     We have finished beaming Ambaya 4 passengers off the ship.  President Jacob will return to Starfleet with us.


     "Captain, you have an incoming message from the planet," stated Jones.

     "Send it in," answered Leno.

     "Hello, Captain Leno," stated Abercrombie.

     "How are you doing?"

     "Fine.  I just wanted to say thank you for saving my people."

     "It was what we had to do."

     "I have to give a speech in a few minutes."

     "Good luck."

     "Thank you."