Mystery Ship

By: Richard D. Phillips


Chapter 1


Captain's Log Stardate: 51790.3


     We are en-route to Starbase 141 to deliver supplies Gartew, after the Dominion attacked it recently.


     As Captain Leno finished his log entry, a torpedo hit the Texas.

     "Minor damage to Deck 9," reported Lieutenant Commander Jones.

     "Red alert."

     "Shielding at 96%."

     "Was anybody injured on Deck 9?"

     "Yes, sir.  Six people were seriously injured," answered Dayan, as another torpedo hit the ship, knocking everyone off their feet.

     "Who does that ship belong to?" asked Leno.

     Jones replied, "I don't know.  I'm trying to hail them, but they will not answer."

     "Jones, fire torpedoes when I give the signal."

     Captain Leno noticed that when the enemy ship was going to fire weapons, it shook.  The silver ship began to shake.

     "Fire all weapons."

     The bottom half of the silver ship was blown off in an instant.

     "Good job."

     "That should take care of them,” stated Commander Brooks."

     "Captain, we are being pulled towards the ship," stated Ensign Murphy.

     "How can that be?  We blew the ship into two pieces," stated Jones.

     "We will impact in 20 seconds."

     "Hurry up!" exclaimed Brooks.

     "Options?" asked Brooks."

     "Jones, fire torpedoes at them, now."


     "Do it now!"

     Lieutenant Commander Jones fire torpedoes at the silver ship, but the torpedoes were reflected back towards the Texas.

     "We have damage all over the ship," reported Jones.

     "We will impact in seven seconds," stated Murphy.

     "Full reverse on all engines," ordered Leno.

     "We have broken free from the tractor beam."

     "Stay at a safe distance.  Brooks, in my ready room down," demanded Leno."

     They walked into the room.  Captain Leno turned on his desktop compute and opened Commander Brooks' service record

     "How dare you give an order to destroy the ship.  You nearly had us all killed," stated Leno.

     "I did what I had to do."

     "I'm making a note of this in your service record.  Report to your quarters for the rest of your duty shift."

     Commander Brooks returned to his quarters.

     "What made him snap?" asked Jones."

     "I don't know.  Have Counselor Donald check him over.  Any word on why our torpedoes reflected?"

     "Lieutenant Commander Hall said something about mirror shielding."

     "I want a full report in two hours.  Send Lieutenant Dayan to check on Mike."

     Lieutenant Dayan went to escort Commander Brooks to sickbay.

     "Commander, I'm here to take you to sickbay."

     Lieutenant Dayan was able to escort Commander Brooks to sickbay with no incidents.

     "I have checked him.  There is an abnormal pattern in his brain.  I'm doing additional scans," stated Adams.


Captain's Log Stardate: 51794.6


     The ship that attacked us is still functioning.  Commander Brooks' outburst might have been from that ship.  We are preparing to send an away team over to the ship.

Chapter 2


     "The away team is ready to beam over to the ship," reported Dayan.

     "Beam them over.  Keep a lock on them.  At the first sign of trouble, get them out of there."

     "They are on the ship.  They are nearby what might be the bridge and engineering room," reported Jones.

     "Captain, I'm picking up strong emotions from the ship," reported Counselor Donald.

     "Tricorders aren't picking up ant life forms.  We are entering the bridge," reported Lieutenant Commander Audrey Hall, a scientist aboard the Texas.

     "Continue searching.  Someone has to be on that ship."

     "Captain, Lieutenant Commander Kate Harris-Adams is missing," stated Lieutenant Commander Keith Donald.

     "I'm here.  I got lost

     "We will be sending additional away team members."

     "Captain, everything below Deck 4 was blown off from our attack a few hours ago," reported Hall.

     "Sir, Commander Brooks has broken out of Sickbay and is heading towards the transporter room," reported Jones.

     "Send security teams to all of the transporter rooms and the shuttlebays.  Lieutenant Baker, shut down the transporters."

     "He has broken through two of the teams," reported Dayan.

     "Activate the forcefields."

     "He has beamed over to the ship.  He has wounded over 40 crew members."

     "There was no way to stop him.  Our phaser beams came back at us," stated Lieutenant William Nash.

     "Get them out of there.  I want a full report."

     The away teams were beamed back to the Texas.  The injured crew members are being taken to Sickbay," reported Jones.


Captain's Log Stardate: 51797.2


     Commander Brooks has beamed over to the ship.  We still have not figured out what is affecting him


     Lieutenant Nash went to the Main Bridge.  He sat in Commander Brooks' chair.

     "We found evidence that the ship is living.  The damage to the ship is low.  We were unable to locate a warp core or bridge.  We did find a rather large computer core," reported Nash.

     "How does the ship function?"

     "We were unable to determine that."

     "We need to get Commander Brooks out of that ship."

     "Captain, the ship has gone to warp," reported Murphy.

     "It is draining the ship's power," reported Ensign Wilson.

     "We can't go to warp."

     "Launch probes in all directions," ordered Leno.

     "The ship has not detected the probes.  We are losing sensors," reported Jones.

"We need to get back the warp core," stated Wilson.

     "We will be able to get the warp core on-line in two hours," reported Lieutenant Commander Hall.


Captain's Log Stardate: 51807.9


     We have finally gotten the warp core back.  We have begun to search for Commander Brooks, after the "mystery ship" went to warp.


     "The ship is over two days away," reported Murphy.

     "Take us to it."


Captain's Log Stardate: 51829.6


     We have arrived to the "mystery ship".  We are staying away from it, until we gather more information on it.  Commander Brooks has been located on board the ship.


     "The ship seems to have been damaged by Dominion ships, however, sensors do not detect any Dominion ships," reported Jones.

     "The ships must have been destroyed," stated Wilson.

     "We have to get over there," stated Leno.

     "We may be able to take a shuttle over, since the ship didn't detect our probes," stated Dayan.

     "Get on it."

     Lieutenant Dayan and Ensign Murphy took a shuttle to the nearby ship.

     "We are nearing the ship.  We will arrive in a few seconds," stated Murphy.

     "We are sending any information we have back to the ship," stated Dayan.

     "We are ready to beam to the ship."

Chapter 3


     Ensign Murphy and Lieutenant Dayan beamed over to the "mystery ship".

     "Tricorders are still not working," stated Murphy.

     "Phasers seem also to be affected."

     "We need to boost the power of the tricorder."

     "Maybe we can hook it up to the ship's power."

     "If we can find where that is."

     "I think this is a power relay conduit.  The power might be incompatible with our own."

     "There is only one way to find out."

     Lieutenant Dayan hooked up his tricorder up to the power really conduit

     "The power is enough to get through the interference.  Commander Brooks is on the next deck up," stated Jones.

     "Murphy to Texas."

     "Texas here.  What have you found?" asked Leno.

     "We have located Commander Brooks.  We also need more people.

     "They will be over in five minutes."

     "We need to find a way to get rid of the interference on the ship," stated Dayan.

     "Lieutenant Commander Hall has been working on a stronger tricorder."

     "Let's keep moving.  I don't want to be in the same area for long."

     "This might be a turbolift," stated Murphy.

     "It won't work for us.  We have to find another way to get up to the next deck."

     "How about the shuttle's transporters?"

     Lieutenant Dayan and Ensign Murphy beamed up to the next deck as the other away teams arrived to the ship.

     "The advanced tricorder has an additional 20 meter range," reported Hall.

     "Does it pick up Commander Brooks' location?" asked Dayan.

     "He is about 18 meters away."

     "Ready phasers.  Set them to level 2.  Dayan to the U.S.S. Texas, we are approaching Commander Brooks.

     "He's coming this way."

     "Fire weapons when you see him."

     "The phaser rifles are ready to go," reported Nash.

     "Nash and Ray, try to get past Brooks and get to the bridge."

     The away teams began to fire at Commander Brooks.  Lieutenant Nash and Ray made their way past Brooks.  They made it to what appeared to be a control room.

     "We have made it to the bridge," stated Nash, over his communicator to Lieutenant Dayan.

     "We are still busy fighting Commander Brooks.  Find a way to shut down the ship."

     "The ship's weapons and shielding is charging," reported Ray.

     "It is firing at the shuttle," reported Nash.

     "The Texas has begun to attack the ship."

     "Ensign Murphy has gone to move the shuttle," reported Dayan.

     "The ship seems to be Talofozan from the destroyed planet Talofoz.  It seems the planet was destroyed over 400 hundred years ago.  This was one of the few ships that survived the destruction of the planet.  Its crew died over 350 years ago," stated Ray.

     "I think I have found a way to shut down that "mirror shielding," stated Nash.

     "We have lost communication with the others."

     "I'm going to shut down the shielding."

Chapter 4

     "The Texas has damaged the weapon system," reported Dayan.

     "What happened to Commander Brooks?" asked Ray.

     "We lost him.  We need the tricorder to relocate him."

     "We have found the history of the ship.  We have sent it back to the Texas for study." reported Nash

     "Commander Brooks will more likely come to us," stated Ray.

     "This room controls all the ship's functions," stated Nash.

      "According to the ship's logs, the Dominion ships were vaporized.  That is why the Texas couldn't pick up any debris.  It has the opportunity to do that to the ship."

     "We must find a way to contact the ship," stated Ray.

      "The Texas did damage that system, however, repairs to that system will be done in a few minutes."

     "Commander Brooks is coming this way."

     "Communication with the ship has been restored," stated Nash.

     "Texas, beam us all back."

     "We can't beam through the ship's hull," reported Jones.

     "Do something.  We don't have much longer," stated Dayan.

     "Our time has gone down even more.  The ship will auto-destruct in two minutes," stated Nash.

     "Lock onto Brooks and fire phasers at setting 8," ordered Dayan.

     "His connection to the ship has been severed.  We can beam back to the ship," reported Ray.

     The away team including Commander Brooks was beamed back to the Texas.  Commander Brooks was rushed to Sickbay.

     "His connection to the ship is still there, but severely weakened.  The only way to stop it, is to destroy the ship," stated Adams.

     "Lock all weapons until the ship has been destroyed," ordered Leno.

     "He is slowing coming around," stated Adams.

     "Send him to my ready room when he has recovered.'


Captain's Log Stardate: 51839.6


     We have rescued Commander Brooks from the Talofozan ship.  We were able to learn some history of the ship and its people before it was destroyed.


     Commander Brooks recovered and Doctor Adams sent him to Captain Leno's ready room.

     "Since you were under the influence of the ship, I have changed your service record," stated Leno.

     "Thank you, captain," replied Brooks.

     "I want you to take a few days off and relax.

Commander Mike Brooks Personal Log Stardate: 51847.0


     After being influenced by the Talofozan ship, I have learned that its original crew controlled the ship with their thoughts.  It took control of me due to my mental power.  I will be returning to duty in a few days.  I still have thoughts about the ship.


     "Are you feeling better?" asked Leno.

     "I still can sense the ship," answered Brooks.

     "There might be other Talofozan ships in the galaxy."

     "Doctor Adams says the effects should be gone in a few days.  Starfleet has entered the records into the system."

     "Are you ready to return to work?"

     "Let's go!"