The Final Battle
By: Richard D. Phillips
The Texas underwent the repairs needed to bring the ship to full operating status. The ship was then ordered to go to the Dominion border.
“We will arrive in four days,” reported Ensign Murphy.
“What is the status of the fleet?” asked Commander Brooks.
“The fleet is holding together under the circumstances,” answered Lieutenant Commander Jones.
“Scan for Dominion ships,” ordered Captain Leno.
“No ships are around us, however 40 ships are nearing the fleet,” reported Ensign Wilson.
Captain Leno left the bridge. He walked into his ready room and grabbed a few things off his desk. He went to the lounge to meet with Kamara.
“How are you doing, captain?” asked Lieutenant Commander Hall.
Good. How are you?”
“I would be better if I didn’t have to work all night.”
“Are you having problems with the warp core?’
“It won’t interfere with getting us to the border.”
Lieutenant Commander Hall returned to Engineering while Captain Leno sat down with Kamara. Chef Logan walked over.
“What would you like?” asked Logan.
“Just a cup of coffee. I ate a little while ago.”
“There is talk about Starfleet may win the war before the new year,” stated Kamara.
“It is possible. We have gained ground into Dominion space.
Chef Logan brought back the captain’s coffee. He left a short while later to his quarters. He looked at sensor data coming in from the battle. Kamara walked in.
“What are you doing?” asked Kamara.
“Looking at sensor readings from the battle.
“How is it going?”
“Not bad. It could be better. The Federation ships have gained some ground.”
“How much longer before we arrive to the battle?”
“About 33 more hours.”
“Captain, sensors are locating Jem’Hadar ships. They will arrive in 23 minutes,” reported Jones.
“I’ll be up in a few minutes.”
Captain Leno headed for the Main Bridge. He ran into Commander Brooks.
“Another attack from the Dominion,” stated Brooks.
“It is time to end this war. it has gotten out of hand.”
The turbolift stopped and the two command officers stepped out.
“Status report,” requested Leno.
“Five Jem’Hadar ships are rapidly approaching our position,” answered Jones.
“Time to intercept,” ordered Brooks.
“Three minutes and 11 seconds,” answered Murphy.
“Red alert. Scan for additional Starfleet ships,” ordered Leno.
“We are on our own,” answered Wilson.
“We will be able to disable at least four of the ships,” added Jones.
“We will need to come up with additional battle tactics,” stated Brooks.
“We will continue on course for as long as possible,” ordered Leno.
Captain Leno went to his ready room and sat down. Commander Brooks walked in.
“We may not be able to out run the ships. They are gaining on us,” stated Brooks.
“My orders stand for the moment.”
Commander Brooks returned to the bridge. He was upset with the captain’s orders.
“What are we to do?” asked Murphy.
“Continue on course and speed, however, fire six long-range probes in the other direction. The captain may not want to fight them, but I’m not letting them chase us down.”
“Probes launched.”
“Status on the Dominion ships?”
Captain Leno stepped onto the bridge.
“What has just happened,” demanded Leno, looking very upset.
“I have launched six long-range probes towards the Dominion ships under Commander Brooks’ orders and the Dominion ships have taken the bait,” answered Jones.
“How much time has it given us?”
“Approximately 10 minutes and 33 seconds,” answered Wilson.
“The sensor probes have located a Dominion communications relay,” reported Jones.
“It must me destroyed,” stated Wilson.
“I will take a runabout and destroy it. It is my responsibility to destroy it.”
“Ensign Murphy, turn us around. Jones, prepare to fire torpedoes at the Dominion ships. Mike, take a runabout.”
Commander Brooks prepared a runabout to be launched to destroy the Dominion communications relay.
“Commander, the captain is ready. Three of the Dominion hips have been destroyed,” stated Jones.
“The runabout, Texas, and Waco took off and headed for the communication relay station.
“Computer, lock onto target and fire phasers,” ordered Brooks.
“Target locked on”
“Fire phasers.”
“Alert, taking damage. The base is returning fire. Shielding at 73%.:”
“Computer, prepare for ramming speed.”
Commander Brooks went to the transporter.
“Alert, heading for base. Evacuate ship,” stated the computer.
“Computer, one to transport to the Waco.”
The Texas and the Dominion relay station were both destroyed. Commander Brooks transported to the Waco just in time.
“Taking damage. Shielding at 81%,” stated the computer.
“Locate the Texas.”
“The U.S.S. Texas has been located.”
“Set course, maximum warp.”
The Waco reached the Texas.
“Commander Brooks has returned to the ship. The Texas has been destroyed as well as the relay station,” reported Jones.
“Continue course for the fleet, maximum warp,” ordered Leno.
“We will arrive in 40 minutes behind schedule, however, the Dominion can not communicate for 10 light-years around the area.”
Chapter 2
“Captain, we will arrive to the coordinates in a few minutes,” reported Murphy.
“Go to red alert. Scan for Dominion ships. I’ll be right back,” stated Leno.
Captain Leno went to his ready room. He looked at reports from the current battle. Commander Brooks walked in and sat down.
“How is the battle going?” asked Brooks.
“Captain, we are arriving,” stated Murphy.
“We’ll be right out.”
Captain Leno and Commander Brooks returned to the bridge.
“We are breaking through,” reported Jones.
“We are receiving ordered from the fleet. We’re to attack the Breen ships,” reported Wilson.
”Do what they says,” responded Leno.
“”The Cardassians have begun to attack the Dominion ships,” reported Brooks.
“The Breen are taking heavy losses,” reported Jones.
“Take us in, maximum impulse.”
“Starfleet might be pulling back,” reported Wilson.
“We have come to far to pull back again,” stated Brooks.
“We will continue to attack until we do pull back,” stated Leno.
“Minor damage has been reported all around the ship,” reported Wilson.
“The damage is not enough to stop us,” added Jones.
“Four Dominion ships are breaking off,” reported Murphy.
“Follow them. Match course and speed,” ordered Leno.
“They are attempting to distract the fleet,” reported Brooks.
“Notify the fleet that we will take care of these ships.”
“Two additional ships will be aiding us,” reported Brooks.
“Two of the Dominion ships have been destroyed. The others are heavily damaged,” stated Wilson.
The three Starfleet ships destroyed the other Dominion ships. The Texas was just receiving work on the attack of the Dominion headquarters on Cardassia Prime.
“The resistance has gotten into the Dominion headquarters,” reported Jones.
“The Jem’Hadar are standing down. The war is over,” added Wilson.
“The war is over. After all this time. After the deaths of millions, the war is over,” stated Brooks.
“The final report will be in shortly,” reported Jones.
“I’m going to my quarters. Notify me when the report arrives,” ordered Leno.
Captain Leno went to his quarters. He sat down next to Kamara.
“The war has just ended,” stated Leno.
“The Dominion stood down?”
“A little while ago.”
“Captain, the report is in,” reported Jones.
“I will be up in a short while. Send it to the ready room.”
Captain Leno finished talking to Kamara. He then went to the Main Bridge.
Chapter 3
“I have overlooked the final report. The worst victims were the Cardassian,” stated Leno.
“How many losses?” asked Wilson.
“Over 800,000,000 dead.” The planet is in total ruins. The whole planet has been destroyed.”
“The Federation and its allies signed a peace treaty with the Dominion a short while ago finalizing the end of the war,” added Brooks.
“Captain, a message has come in. Something about Pah-wraiths,” reported Lieutenant Patrick Jones.
“Put it through.”
Captain Leno began to read the message.
“Captain Sisko has gone to stop the release of the Pah-wraiths on Bajor,” stated Leno.
“This is the final path the Bajorans have been talking about for weeks,” stated Brooks.
“Set a course for Bajor, maximum warp.”
“The warp drive is nor responding,” reported Hall.
“We can’t interfere with the Emissary,” stated Murphy.
“It is up to him to defeat the Pah-wraiths,” added Brooks.
“Notify me of the outcome. Set a course to Deep Space Nine, maximum warp,” ordered Leno.
“Odo is leaving to cure the rest of his people,” stated Jones.
“He might be back one day,” added Wilson.
“I have to return to Kamara,” stated Leno.
Captain Leno went to his quarters. He contacted his mother on Earth.
“The war is over. I’ll be coming in a few days,” stated Leno.
“I’ll be so glad. It’s about time this war is over. It has been too long. So many people have lost their lives.”
“Cardassia is in ruins. Over 800,000,000 million dead.
“That is what they deserved. They did it to themselves.”
“Without them, we may not of won this war.”
“I suppose you are right.”
“I have to get going. I’m waiting for a report on Captain Sisko.”
“Captain Sisko, Kai Winn, and Gul Dukat are all dead. We are deceiving the information,” reported Jones.
“Captain Sisko is dead?” asked Kamara, walking into the room.
“He died a short while ago. I’m waiting for additional information.”
“Where is Jack?”
“I thought he was with you.”
“I’ll go look for him.”
“I will come too. I have to get my mind off the death of Captain Sisko,” stated Leno.
Captain Leno and Kamara began to look for their dog, Jack.
“Captain, your dog is on the run. I have security officers looking for him,” stated Lieutenant Dayan.
“Here he is. He is hiding the corner,” stated Kamara.
“Jason, we have found the dog,” stated Leno.
“I’m going to take him home.”
“I have to go. I’ll catch up with you in a little while.”
Captain Leno went to his ready room. He sent Captain’s Sisko’s wife, Kasidy Yates, his condolences.
“He is now a Prophet, where he will spread his good for years and generations to come,” stated Brooks.
“Starfleet has lost a legend. He did so much good in such a short while,” stated Leno.
“Captain, we are receiving our next mission. We are to escort Ambassador Levoz to Mozalzo,” reported Jones.
“Set a course for the ambassador and engage.”
“We will arrive in a four days,” reported Murphy.
“We can put this war into the past at last. We lost a great deal of officers,” stated Brooks.
“The Federation can once again return to peace.
“It will take time to heal before we can return to normal,” stated Brooks.