
By: Richard D. Phillips


     "Captain. we are receiving a message from Starbase 133," reported Lieutenant Commander Jones.

     "Put it in my ready room."

     "Captain, I have a rescue mission for you.  A few days ago, we picked up a distress signal from a ship.  Early thin morning, we were able to trace it to the Union.  The ship is about three light-years from you," stated Admiral Chioak.

     "We will get right on it."

     "Out long-range sensors locate some heavy Dominion activity around the Union."

     Captain Leno finished his conversation with Admiral Chioak.  He later stepped out onto the bridge.

     "Lieutenant Smith, set a course for the planet Palacar, Warp 9.3."

     "We will arrive in 14 hours."


Captain's Log Stardate: 51316.2


     We have set a course for Palacar, the last known position of the Union.  It has been two days since the distress signal was sent by the Union.


     "Captain, sensors are picking up two Dominion ships," reported Lieutenant Kelly.

     "I'm coming."

     Captain Leno went to the Main Bridge and sat down.

     "Red alert."

     "The ships will arrive in one minute," reported Kelly.

     "We are still four hours away from the Union," reported Smith.

     "I don't want to stay around here if we don't have to," stated Leno.

     "We're picking up the distress signal from the Union," reported Kelly.

     "Captain, I have located a nebula that will shield us from the Dominion ships and its about four minutes out of the way," reported Ensign Joyce Conner.

     "Take us to it."

     A few minutes later, the Texas slowly entered the nebula.

     "We've entered the nebula," reported Smith.

     "The Jem’Hadar ships are slowly entering the nebula," reported Kelly.

     "Sensor range is at 20,000 kilometers," reported Conner.

     "Take us out on the other side, Warp 1," ordered Leno.

     "It will take us almost 30 minutes to leave the nebula," reported Conner.

     "Locate the last known position of the Jem'Hadar ships and fire weapons at those positions and proceed to Warp 9.6," ordered Leno.

     "Direct hit to both ships.  They are damaged," reported Kelly.

     The Texas continued towards the opposite end of the nebula.

     "We are exiting the nebula," reported Smith.

     "Resume original course to Palacar."

Captain's Log Stardate: 51328.6


     We have arrived to the last known position of the Union, however, we are not able to pick up the Union on any sensors.


     "If the ship was here, it isn't here now," reported Lieutenant Commander Jones.

     "We've searched all the planets within two light-years of here," reported Commander Brooks.

     "The Dominion must of taken it," stated Ensign Murphy.

     "I'm going to contact Admiral Chioak," stated Leno.

     Captain Leno went to his ready room and contacted Admiral Chioak.

     "Admiral, we can not locate the Union.  We have searched all planets in this area," reported Leno.

     "We have additional ships searching for the Union in other sectors, but they have also hot located the Union."

     "The Dominion might of stolen the Union to study it, like they did us."

     "We have thought of that, however, there is no Dominion ships around there at the moment."

     "We will continue searching for the Union."

     Captain Leno returned to the bridge.

     "Scan for an area that the Union might of gone to," ordered Leno.

     "There is a M-Class planet over three light-years around, except the ones in this sector," reported Jones.

     "Take us to it."


Captain's Log Stardate: 51332


     We have set a course for the planet Charforea, it is the only other choice for Captain Yonda to do.


     "Captain, we are arriving to the planet.  The Union is down there and in bad shape," reported Murphy.

     "Land on the planet.  Prepare to send teams to search the ship."

     "Condition Blue is set," stated Brooks.

     "Location found on the planet, setting down."

     "It will be turbulent on the way down," stated Jones.

     "Shields up."

     "Shields at 79%," reported Jones.

     "We've landed," reported Murphy.

     "The Union can be repaired."

     "It is possible we can tow it to Starbase 217," reported Ensign Wilson.

     "We've got a lock on it," reported Jones.

     "Take us up," ordered Leno.

     "We've cleared the atmosphere," reported Murphy.

     "Shielding at 42%," reported Jones.

     "Set a course to Starbase 217, Warp 8."

     "We will arrive in six days," reported Murphy.

     "I'm transporting to the Union to check it out," stated Leno.

     "I'll go with you," stated Brooks.

     Captain Leno and Commander Brooks transported to the Union.  They

headed for the Main Bridge.

     Captain, how are you doing?" asked Leno.

     "Better since you came to rescue us," stated Captain Yonda.

     "How come you moved positions?"

     "The Dominion activity was too high.  When we crashed on Charforea, we lost the communications, and couldn't reissue the distress signal."

     "How many injuries do you have?" asked Brooks.

     "Ten injuries.  Seventeen crew members died when we crashed.  Sickbay was the hardest area hit.  We lost most of the medical crew."

     "We must be getting back to the Texas.  I will send a medical crew over to assist," stated Leno.

     "Thank you again, Alex."


Captain's Log Stardate: 51342.6


     We have arrived to Starbase 217.  The Union will be under repairs a good four months.  The Union's crew has been reassigned to other ships.